How to Become ‘A Successful Manager’ in Your Professional Career

The responsibility of a manager has increased due to the revolution of technology as well as global environment. Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning has emerged in our culture for the pace of professional as well as personal life. Managers must be given more preference for the development of  talent that is an inevitable part of success.

However, in a micro way, with the discussion of experienced managers in the various fields have understood that development of skills and capabilities are very important for the success of a manager.

Some of the most important skills required for a manager are:

  1.   Technical skill-Specialized knowledge or expertise in the field
  2.  People skill-The ability to understand and motivate the people
  3. Conceptual skills-Mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations for decision making.
  4. Political skill- ability to take the power

However, success is also depending on the characteristic of a manager:

             1.  Leadership Style

A manager is a leader in an organization for guiding the employees to achieve organizational goals as well as personal goals of employees. Achievers are the strong enthusiastic personality in which they are ready to attain the goals very fast. Corporates recognize the efficient mangers very easily. Identifying a leadership style is important for managing the organization successfully. Cultivating a culture in your firm is a vital part of the leadership style too. Welcoming your customers wholeheartedly and providing maximum services to your customers is part of the culture. Hence, ignoring hospitality leads the organization to failure.

2        2. Decision-Making Ability

As a manager, it is the responsibility to identify the best from the alternative decisions. Knowledge, experience and common sense are the essence of taking the best solution on competitive situations like routine and complex problems. So, the manager must be an expert on the job and must have a strong experience in the contemporary environment. Best managers, perhaps either attain or fail in the decisions. If they fail, they should accept the failure and move ahead with a positive attitude for attaining goals.

1.              3. Technology for the Excellence

Industry 4.0 is the platform of automation that is a global phenomenon which is creating new work-ecosystems across all sectors. The impact of the automation has been increasing rapidly in the field of software/hardware and machine layer. Banking and finance sectors are advanced in technology that is witnessed by us. Effectiveness of a Manager in the coming century is with the strength of the technology. Updating of the technology is not a difficult task. Online courses are available for enhancing the knowledge in your respective field.

2.         4. Communication

Effective communication such as oral and verbal is an inevitable part of a manager. The responsibility of the manager is conveying the message to the subordinates and their customers. It is one of the effective ways to enhance the knowledge of the employees and it will help to reduce the stress of the customers. Apart from the office matters, a manager can communicate the general perspectives, new updations and family matters with their employees and customers. This is one of the good cultivating methods for maintaining a harmonious relationship with the stakeholders and it is an opportunity for creating a good culture as well as trust among the subordinates and customers.

Dale Carnegie's philosophy of expressing interest in others is a good motivational tool. Moreover, describe the expressions such as a genuine smile with you, greeting others with genuine pleasure, smile, learn their names, remember them and make sure you spell and pronounce correctly. One of my friends told me about the memory power of his boss and the ability to communicate to the customers.

5.             5.Empowering Employees

 How to groom your employees? Managers allow their employees to participate in work-related issues and solutions. Moreover, putting employees in charge various tasks other than their work and allow them to take appropriate decisions in a rational way. Engaged employees obviously make a good result for the organization.

Most of the employees are not having the culture of the importance of feedback in an organization. The Manager must give the feedback in a polite way whether it is good or bad. Convey the message and give suggestions if they need any correction. Supporting the employees is an essential part of the success of any organization.

Learning is an unending process. There is a wonderful platform of Kindle Amazon for updating knowledge in different fields.  is a way of growing strongly with knowledge. Inspire the employees just to upgrade the knowledge with technology for maintaining competitive strength.

6.              6. Emotional Intelligence

Understanding own emotions and the emotions of others around you. It is the most important skill for managing people. A manager is always facing different types of issues in their day to day life at the office. Self-confidence, transparency adaptability, optimism, empathy and paying attention are extremely important characteristics of a successful manager.

Probably, stress negatively affects the productivity, absenteeism, retention and overall health of workers. Stress can be reduced with meditation, exercise, etc. Moreover, Emotional Intelligence (EI) enables people to recognize their own emotions and others emotions.

Physical exercise is a prominent part of any job. I have started walking daily around one hour for reducing the stress as instructed by the doctor. I have got the enjoyment in my work. Further, I have been using the computer regularly and feel comfortable physically and mentally due to my walking. Evening or morning exercise will give freshness, but consulting with an expert is important for which type of exercise is good for your physical fitness and relaxation. Some of the exercises are often busy people are doing, such as Yoga, Jogging, Multigym, swimming, etc.

7.               7.Helping Employees for Balancing of Work-Life Conflicts

As a part of the globalization, technological up-gradation and competition have increased in all sectors. Balanced social and personal life is not an easy task for an employee nowadays. Family, children, parents, and friends are associated with his day to day life. The manager must understand the feeling of employees and their day to day issues. Moreover, balancing time and work is important for achieving the goal of an employee in his professional as well as personal life. Flexible working hours are a good strategy for balancing the life of employees and caring of employees are added advantage too.

8.             8. Improving Ethical Behaviour

Managers should strictly follow ethical behaviour in their work environment. An ethical standard in the organization creates a healthy work environment. If a manager creates an ethical healthy climate for the employees the productivity as well as satisfaction level will increase.

9.             9.Investment

Managers give suggestions about the wealth creation such as investment in shares, mutual funds, real estate, etc. Advice about the insurance sector is a vital part too. Wealth creation and protection of life will be helpful for enhancing the wealth and enjoying the work delightfully.

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