How can you Motivate Your Employees in the Workplace with The Help of Various Theories?

 Motivated employees in an organization is an asset but motivating is not an easy task by the manager. The managers must be aware of the need of the employees which are very important for persuading the employees as well as the achievement of the organizational goal.

Motivating employees with the help of their need. Abraham Maslow’s ‘NEEDS HIERARCHY THEORY’ has indicated that each human being has their own need which will begin from psychological need, social need, safety need, esteem need and finally self-actualisation need. 

Once you fulfil one need then another will arise However, there is criticism against this theory. Needs may change from person to person but an ordinary person's needs probably will be the same. Identifying the need of employee will help the manager to motivate their employees.

McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things better. High achievers are not gamblers, they dislike succeeding by chance. The best managers are high in their need for power and low in their need for affiliation.

Another method is that categorization of the employees according to their behaviour either lazy or self-motivated. Theory X indicated that compelling the employees for their work only then they will effectively work in the workplace but Y category people are ready to work with their self-motivated behaviour.

Equity in the workplace is very effective because employees often compare their work habit with others as well as their earnings. So, equity in the workplace is very important for effectively managing employees.

Motivated employees work hard for the achievement of the organizational objectives. However, create non-performance factors among the employees such as loyalty, initiative, or courage to do initiatives in the job by the managers who will help to build a strong relationship among the employees.

Hence, a manager can be motivating employees with the help of common-sense & knowledge.


Further Reading:

Payingemployees to lose weight?  

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