Why Tik Tok & We Chat are Banned by The USA & India

TikTok is one of the amazing app which helps to share videos through the social media platform. Billions of people are the users of this Chinese app. It has made an opportunity to share the expression of our feelings and thoughts to others. TikTok is placing the first position in our world followed by some competitors but they are behind with the gap of almost 50 million active users. TikTok is the viral app in most of the countries. But, the USA and India have banned TikTok from their own countries due to national security reasons. India banned around 60 Chinese app not only of security reason but also the stress in the India china borders. 

TikTok is creating a detailed individual psychometric profile and that profile contains the information of a person's interests, hobbies, emotional triggers, lifestyle choices etc. The psychometric profiles of a civilian, government and military official kept by a host country is a national security issue. Moreover, this company is supporting more the Chinese Government. These are the reasons why the US Government intend to ban Tik Tok in their country. But Oracle & Walmart are the commercial partners has owned a cumulative 20% of stake for the American operations of TickTok that has been approved by the Trump administration. Now, this app has been escaped from the upcoming ban by the US Government.

The alternatives apps are Like, Byte& Triller that are playing a significant role in this particular Industry but these apps are far behind the TikTok. Facebook has introduced an app ‘Reels’ which is trying to position the gap of TikTok.

How to Create ‘Reels’ in your Camera?

Select ‘Reels’ at the bottom of the Instagram camera. The variety of editing options in the tool is on the left side of the screen. The speciality is a multiple effect gallery and recording of the clip with hand free.

We Chat

We Chat is the popular chat app. The speciality is that it is an all-in-one app of Chinese because it helps to talk to old classmates, you can pay the bill, coordinate with co-workers, creating post vacation photos and news. Moreover, who are residing in the USA and would like to be touch with their family and friends in China can be highly depending this software.

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